Articles Symposia & Lectures

Mr. Milgrim is a frequent author on current IP issues as well as a participant and contributor at important Symposia.

Articles and Symposia (Partial)

Speaker (1969-Present) on various aspects of trade secrets, computer law, licensing, patent/antitrust, etc., at numerous bar associations, continuing legal education and like events for the Practicing Law Institute, American Intellectual Property Law Institute, Licensing Executives Society, University of Chicago, Columbia, Loyola (Chicago), N.Y.U., University of Pennsylvania, U.S.C., Stanford, University of Texas, and Yale law schools, numerous bar associations (California, Cincinnati, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Orange County, Philadelphia, Silicon Valley General Counsel Ass’n, Texas, etc.) and corporate counsel organizations (Connecticut, Georgia, New York)

Lecturer, Trade Secrets and Licensing, to Law Departments: AT&T; Eastman Kodak; Elf Atochem; Exxon; PPG; Procter & Gamble; United Technologies

Chairman, Co-chairman, numerous PLI Trade Secret programs, Patent/Antitrust and Domestic and International Technology Licensing programs

Chairman, Banking Law Journal Institute on Licensing Law & Practices

Sampling of Titles of Articles

Territoriality of Copyright: An Analysis of Assignability under the Universal Copyright Convention

Employer-Employee Aspects of Trade Secrets, Addresses, Ann. Meeting Banking, Corp. & Bus. L.

Sears to Lear to Painton: Of Whales and Other Matters

Trade Secret Protection and Licensing – A True Alternative

Software, Carfare and Benson, Datamation

Get the most out of your trade secrets

Use of Patents and Trade Secrets for Technology Licensing: A Comparison and Choice

Trade Secret: A Review, Pat. L.-Current Trends and Developments 51

U.S. Antitrust Laws and International Transfers of Technology – The Private Lawyer’s View, Ann. Proc. Fordham Corp. L.

Licensing and Joint Ventures, ABA Nat’l Inst. on Current L. of For’n Inv. in U.S.

Know-How Licensing, Patent Antitrust 95

What Is A Trade Secret, Trade Secret 1-1

Use of Patents and Trade Secrets for Technology Licensing, Current Trends in Domestic and International Licensing

A Comparison Between Patents and Trade Secrets in the Licensing Context

Trade Secrets, Third Ann. Pat., T/M and Trade Secret Litigation Inst.

The Evaluation of a Trade Secret Case,

Trade Secrets to Protect Software, Nat’l Software Protection Conf.

Patents and Trade Secrets – An Antitrust Analysis, Antitrust, Technology and Patents

Are Trade Secrets and Know-How Preempted by Copyright and Patent Law

Arbitration: An Important Remedial Technique to Resolve Disputes Related to Technology Licenses, and to Corporate Ownership and Control, Alternative Dispute Resolution And Risk Management: Controlling Conflict And Its Costs

Trade Secret Law Basic

Trade Secrets In The Litigation Context

Who Owns What: Copyright and Trade Secret

Computer Software Law

Current Trade Secret Developments

Strategic Alliances and Intellectual Property

Current Developments In Intellectual Property

High Technology Licensing

Current Trade Secret Developments: Litigation

Current Trade Secret Developments

Commission Proposed Capital Punishment — By Definition – For Trade Secrets, A Uniquely Valuable IP Right

An Independent Invention Defense to Patent Infringement: The Academy Talking to Itself: Should Anyone Listen?